Together, we will help to drive greater awareness around the Award and the importance of non-formal education
>> Check out the film here. << Please share the film and encourage everyone in your network to as well!
Com essa indicação, é entregue à nossa instituição 0,5% do seu IRS, sem alterar em nada o seu IRS.
Para isso, basta assinalar na sua declaração de IRS a opção pela consignação a “instituições particulares de solidariedade social…“ (Mod.3 – rosto – quadro 11 – campo 1101); o NIF do Prémio 501998780; e a opção “IRS”, conforme ilustrado abaixo:
Agradecemos desde já a sua consignação e apoio ao nosso programa.
Skills for the Future
We all know that feeling when exam results are due – and many feel that they are make or break but exam results need not define a young person’s future. Focused around employability and skills for the future, the Foundation’s Communications team has developed a film and supporting social media content which show that some top business people and entrepreneurs around the world think exam results alone aren’t enough to secure a bright future-soft skills or universal skills learnt through non-formal education and learning, such as resilience, confidence and communication, are considered just as important when recruiting staff.”